Our newborn baby care class is an opportunity to learn much of what you need to know before your baby arrives. Join our community of new families and prepare yourselves for the early weeks and months of parenthood. Topics include:
Bringing baby home from the hospital, postpartum care for moms umbilical cord care, early weeks overview (hormones/mood), breastfeeding/bottle/pumping, diapering & bathing, baby crying - 7 tips for soothing a baby, baby wearing, sleep for baby and parents, newborn baby behaviour, activities and fun (brain development/tummy time/sight), baby gear overview - what you need/don’t need, adjusting to parenthood and lifestyle changes including postpartum anxiety and depression, life as a couple and your changing relationship.
If you've taken our prenatal classes you know our dynamic and engaging groups will inspire you and build your confidence. We'll demonstrate different skills and have baby care items available for you to see and try. Join us for an interactive evening, bring your partner (registration fee includes both of you) and your questions.
Classes are offered regularly, in Nanaimo.